Vim is a clone, with additions, of Bill Joy’s vi text editor program for Unix. Vim’s author, Bram Moolenaar, based it upon the source code for a port of the Stevie editor to the Amiga and released a version to the public in 1991.
Check and make sure you have Vim in your machine, vim –version
If you don’t have Download Vim from here,
Open file in vim terminal, vim [location of path/filename]
vim usr/bin/testfile.txt
Arrows Keys:
h -> left
l -> right
j -> down
k -> up
gg -> Go to top
G -> Go to the last
nG -> Go to the nth line
w -> goes next first character of the word
nw -> goes next nth character of the word
10w -> goes after next 10 words first character
b -> goes back first character of the word
nb -> goes back nth character of the word
10b -> goes back before 10 words first character
e -> goes last character of the word
f -> forward
F -> backward
ft -> goes to the forward t
Ft -> goes to the backward t
t -> forward until
T -> backward until
tt -> goes to the forward until t
Tt -> goes to the back until t
Quit From Vim:
First Make sure you are in normal mode
: x
:q! -> void changes and exit
:wq -> save changes and exit
Modes in Vim
Normal Mode Commands
x -> delete character
dw -> delete the word
dd -> delete the line
nthdd -> delete the next nth number of words
10dd -> delete the next 10 words
d$ / D -> delete from cursor to the end of the line
yw -> copy the word
yy -> copy the line
y$ -> copy the line from cursor to the end of the line
p -> put/paste the deleted word/line
r -> replace the word
u -> undo
ctrl +r -> redo
Insert Mode
i -> Change to the Insert Mode
I -> Change to the insert mode at the first character of the line
a -> insert mode
A -> insert mode at the end character of the line
s -> delete the character and change to the insert mode
S -> delete the line and change to the insert mode
o -> insert the new line into next line and change to the insert mode
O -> insert the new line into previous line and change to the insert mode
c -> change
ce / cw -> change and delete the word and replace the word
c$ / C -> delete the whole line and insert
esc -> come out from edit mode to normal mode
Visual Mode
v -> change to the visual mode
esc -> to come out from visual mode to normal mode
Search In Vim
First change to vim to normal mode
n -> go to the next matched word
ctrl + o -> go back to found word
ctrl + i -> go to next matched word
Replace in Vim
First change vim to normal mode
syntax -> s/word/new_word/g
%/word/new_word/g -> all words
3,20 s/word/new_word/g -> – replace from line 3-20
%s/word/new_word/gc -> – replace with confirmation
Execute commands inside vim
First change vim to normal mode
syntax -> !command
!pwd -> current path
!ls -> list of path