The topic you need to know for the CICD
- Code commit
- Code Commit security :
- Code commit notification
- Code Commit Pipeline
- CodeBuild
- Max characters combined names and value = 5500
- Location for storing source code used for build
- AWS code Commit
- S3
- Github
- Bitbucket
- buildspec.yml
- CodeDeploy
- Appspec.yml
- Resource section
- For Lamda (properties)
- Name
- Alias
- Current Version
- Target Version
- For ESC Deployment
- Task Definition
- Port
- For Lamda (properties)
- Resource section
- Blue Green Deployment
- The event can scripted while creating run order of hooks
- Application Stop
- BeforeInstall
- AfterInstall
- ApplicationStart
- ValidateService
- BeforeAllowTraffic
- AfterAllowTraffic
- BeforeBlockTraffic
- AfterBlockTraffic
- The event can scripted while creating run order of hooks